OSM Help Guide

For the most up-to-date information on our schedule, events, and any changes, we utilize Online Scout Manager (OSM). Please ensure that you are connected to OSM to receive timely updates and notifications.

We understand the importance of a well-rounded scouting experience, and our schedule reflects our commitment to providing a diverse range of activities that cater to the interests and growth of each Scout.

You will be sent an invite to sign up via e-mail.

Once signed up you can access all your Young Person’s details and edit them as needed. There are many instruction videos available on OSM and YouTube if you need some help. I will outline the basic features for you here so you can get started:

Once logged in you come to the dashboard page which will have basic information for your child/ren and upcoming evenings/events.

Down the left-hand side, if you click on your child’s symbol you will get options to choose from.

The Noticeboard is used by leaders to display any notices, it will display a dot next to it if it has been updated.

The payments option is a new feature that is currently being trialled across group. It will show you payments that are due for events that you have signed up for. This uses a system called GoCardless and enables you to pay through OSM.

In Events you are able to tell us whether or not your young person is able to attend an event please change this as soon as possible once an event invite is sent out.

In Programme there is an option to edit their attendance status, please change this if they are unable to come and it updates our register automatically.

You can see the badges here. Where they have colour, they have been started, the more colour the more complete they are. If you click on a badge it will bring up the requirements and what has/hasn’t been completed. Only leaders can update their badgework so please get evidence sent to us and if you notice something not yet ticked off that they have done please inform us. A lot of Badges Scouts are able to work towards at home and present to the troop

Below badges is personal information. When you sign up please complete every section of this and keep it updated. It is important we have more than one contact for your child and know of any medical conditions or additional needs they may have.

In the Emails section you will be able to see any emails that have been sent through OSM to the emails we hold for your young person.

The last section on this Tab is the Access Tab where you can see all the people who have access to edit your young person’s details.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III