Wednesday Beavers

We have two Beaver colonies at Warminster Scout Group One colony meets on a Wednesday evening, and the other on a Thursday evening

Our Wednesday Colony meets every Wednesday Evening during Term Times from 18:00 until 19:15, at the Greenland Hut, Weymouth Street, Warminster, in the Town Park opposite Morrison’s supermarket petrol station

The Beaver motto is ‘Fun and Friends’ and that is what we aim to have at our weekly term time meetings. We try and prepare Beavers for Cubs and the additional level of freedom and activities that they will find with the older group. The group celebrated its 30th birthday in 2016, and it is the youngest section of the Scouting family. It is a popular section – sometimes to the extent that we have to have a joining waitlist. The group aims to introduce the children to the exciting world of Scouting – both in terms of the structure and expectations, as much as the fun and opportunities we have two Beaver colonies at Warminster Scout Group One colony meets on a Wednesday evening, and the other on a Thursday evening

We meet during term time and aim to have a varied programme each term with activities that will both stimulate and be fun, as well as helping earn badges. We encourage children to earn additional badges outside of the weekly group meetings with hobby and activity badges that can be worked on at home. We also try and get out on walks as much as possible – these tend to be in the Summer and Autumn terms, and include visits to ponds with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust whom we meet twice a year. They help show us all the birds and animals that have moved into the nature reserve that is right on our doorstep. Usually once a year we will have a sleepover at an indoor district event, and occasionally join the Cub troop on camp. Other activities include outdoor adventure, arts, crafts, cooking and sleepovers.

All of our activities are supported and run by our Beavers leadership team. It is great fun and we can only run a number of our activities if people are willing to volunteer to be helpers, or join the team. If you are interested in joining our team, or volunteering – please read the other information about this, and we would love to meet you!t the children can have. Each Beaver group (or colony) is made up of four lodges (name of a Beaver house). Each of the lodges are named after native trees which also symbolise the wood that Beavers use to build their lodges.

Meeting Times

Term-time on Wednesdays, 18:00 – 19:15

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III