Monday Explorers
Over the past four years we have planned and been part of: Winter Camp, Wiltshire Explorers Snowsports’ trip, World Jamboree (Korea), Mendips – team-building, drop hike, camping, Woodhouse Park, back-to-basics, spring in the park, paddleboarding, fire-lighting, debating, sign-language, photography, cooking, fundraising, wide games, wreath-making, drop-hikes, route card planning, sharps (and maintenance), hobo stoves, birdboxes, archery / shooting, Monopoly Run, pantomime, rainbow night, litter picking, whistle making, escape room, pioneering, Remembrance reflection, climbing, environmental, Jubilee Woods work day, first aid, airsoft, sailing, music, fundraising.
Our meeting times
Term-time on Mondays, 19:30- 21:00