Thursday Beavers
Welcome to Thursday Beavers, our time together is spent having fun and making friends.
We aim to open the doors on new experiences and challenges for our Beavers. Encouraging them to grow in confidence, self-worth and integrity whilst learning to work as a team, care for others and the world around them.
Our programme is diverse and aims to cover badgework, craft, fun & games and visits (in or out) during each half term. Alongside this we take the Beavers on sleepovers at least once a term. This is a single night away in a hall or hut where we get to make extra memories doing all those activities that take too long for a Thursday evening plus, we get the fun of sleeping in tents with our buddies. We have occasional weekend events such as our delicious ready, steady cook competition and we invite families to join us for activities like campfires, parties and our summer splash pad picnic.
Our leadership team is currently 7 strong with 4 adults and 3 young leaders (Explorers). We are named after the characters from the friends of the forest story. Although we highly value our parents and carers who help out and come to share their hobbies and skills with us. The Beavers work within their lodges (teams of 6), named after colours and are lead by a lodge leader (normally one of the older Beavers).
Badgework is a large part of our guidance on the programme we deliver and it encourages activities at home too. Whether our Beavers are looking after their pets, taking on adventurous activities, exploring new places or helping to cook something scrumptious we have a badge requirement we can tick off. They are so proud of their sleeves of badges and we encourage them all to aim for their Chief Scout Bronze award, the highest award a Beaver Scout can earn.
We take great pride in making your child’s start to their scouting journey as rewarding as possible, ultimately we aim to provide your child with skills for life