Warminster Scouts Group Subs Increase

Date: 17th Nov 2024 Author: Daniel Meadow

Good Evening Warminster Scout Group membership,


The Group Trustee and Leadership teams have reviewed our expenditure and budgets for this and the forthcoming Scouting year, and unfortunately, we have decided to increase subscriptions.


The increase in the monthly subscriptions from the current £10 to £12.50 per member per month will be from 1 Jan 2025 for all invested youth members.


Un-invested members will be informed by their Section Leader of how much, and when to commence paying subscriptions, once invested.


Whilst increases are never welcome, fixed costs (such as insurance, heating, lighting) and the subscription levy that we pay to the Scout Association have steadily increased (this coming year’s levy is expected to be c. £55 per member).


All our accounts are available for inspection – either at the AGM, or on the group website, but we hope that you will agree that £12.50 a month is still incredible value for money to help equip our young people with skills for life.


Please can you ensure you make arrangements with your bank to adjust your standing order with effect from your January 2025 subscription. If possible, could we please request that Standing Orders/Bank Transfers are set to the first day of the month.


If finances are an issue or worry at this time, please speak in confidence to myself or one of the leadership team in your young person’s section.


Yours In Scouting


Michael Beckley


Warminster Scout Group

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III